Any Life Coaching Center Across Texas and Worldwide Can’t Help You: Here’s Why?

I’m sure your screen-time is now more than the average time you used to spend over Instagram and Facebook, thanks to the pandemic. And, I’m pretty sure you must have come across plenty of motivational posts and quotes from inspiring people. To be honest, it feels great to go through all the colorful posts of people living in exotic countries and having the best time of their lives. And imagine it for ourselves! However, we build this narration inside our heads; we somehow tend to fall into the trap of comparison and FOMO culture. This comparison of living standards has led to the increased pervasive anxiety among people leading to depression, mood swings, irritation, and conflicting behavior. Being the most anxious and stressed-out, it’s likely for our generation to go for life coaching in Texas and worldwide.

Life coaching helps an individual attain clarity with her/ her goals, identify problem areas and make suitable changes with well-thought strategies.

Life Coaching Texas

In the easiest terms, life coaching is a business plan for your life. It a professional bird’s eye view of your life as it currently stands and the steps that will be required to take to your desired level. It is this area where most of us fail in the following ways:


It sounds pretty simple, but life coaching analysis can reveal some brutal facts and bitter truths about ourselves. It brings all our emotional tendencies, responses, reactions, and the way we lead our lives. One of the most natural tendencies is to get defensive and justify our actions rather than taking responsibility for it.


Change is the only constant, but it is often not welcome. Humans are a creature of habit. Whether it’s trying to achieve a fitter body, stop substance/ alcohol abuse, or get better pay at work, everything comes with a trade. However, people mostly fail with the application of the change.


The most suitable way to explain this point would be trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, the current culture of quick validation and fats delivery has devalued the power of patience. Hence, we fall into the trap of weird detox drinks and resort to faster (read ineffective and detrimental) means. Consistency and patience are essential for any drastic change.

All in all, the power lies in our daily practice- from the way we walk, think, eat, and overall function in life. Your life coach is your mentor, your guide who will motivate you to take those steps. But, ultimately, it’s you who needs to make sure that you apply those changes.
